Inukpak Outfitting is the proud owner of the largest team in Iqaluit! 28 pure bred “Canadian Inuit Dogs” at your service! The big, healthy and happy teammates were all raised and trained to work in contact with people.

Yeti & Mammouth
Yeti is the boss! He’s in charge of rules, making sure that everybody gets their job done. Yeti’s big brother, Mammouth, is always looking out for his ‘’bro“. He’s the one who takes care of any nasty business, ensuring his brother keeps his prime spot at the top of the hierarchy.
Udlu is our “Big Mama”! She is our oldest female, mom of some of our best dogs. She is Yeti’s and Mammouth “lil” sister.
Buzz & Woody
Easiest dogs we have in our team! As long as they Eat, Pull and Sleep every day, they are happy campers.
Once part of the Top Gun stars with his buddy Goose. After few years as on the team, Goose retired. Over time, Maverick became best friends with Buzz and Woody, with whom he shares a motto: Eat, Pull, Sleep and Be Happy!
She is our silly, goofy female! She goes from being our best lead dog one day to being the most stubborn dog the following morning. In the end, she always pulls her weight. Oh, Bonnie, we still love you!
Stich is the toughest one. At the age of 4 months old, he and his brothers contracted an “inexplicable infection unknown to the local vet”. He came through after few days of intensive care to become one of our super stars. He now owns one of the most prestigious spots on the team: Lead Dog.
Batman & Robin
The young guns of the pack, they are challenging each other most of the time … just like brothers do! If they need to, the two brothers will team up and make sure the crew knows they are up-and-comers.
The outsider. Niksik came from another team, which is not an easy thing to do; dog teams typically consider adult dogs to be intruders that could steal their jobs. She’s had her struggles, but since she had her last litter, she now has allies that she can count on.
Sparky & Stinky
Sister and brother, they were born on the sea ice few hundred metres from a fire that raged for months at the municipal dump in 2014. They got their names as Sparky the fire-dog, and Stinky the, well…
Loki & Asgard
Fast, really fast, rocket fast! Loki took, at less than a year of age, the lead position on our “A Team”. She and her brother Asgard are amazing, promising dogs. They were both named for peaks in Auyuittuq National Park, one of our favourite hiking spots in Nunavut.
Cubitus, Humerus, Tibia, Coccyx and Sacrum
The black devils: the 2 brothers and 3 sisters all look alike. Don’t feel sorry if you can tell them apart, we still have trouble with that!
The surprise pregnancy this year! He is a single-pup; Atausiq means « one » in Inuktitut…